Monthly Archives: October 2018

The King From Indonesian Kingdoms

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Indonesia is archipelago country with a myriad kingdoms, small and big kingdom.  Each kingdom has a king who can bring his kingdom into the golden era. Two most prominent kingdoms in Indonesia are Srivijaya and Majapahit. Srivijaya based in Sumatera Island dominated the archipelago from 7 to 11 century. The monumental heritage is Borobudur temple the largest Buddhist temple in the world. The famous king from the Srivijaya Kingdom is Balaputradewa rules in 856 century. He manages to bring Srivijaya to the peak of the dynasty. It was his father Samaratungga who build Borobudur temple.

Majapahit was the most dominant kingdom in Indonesia. Under Hayam Wuruk as a king and Gajah Mada as a prime minister, Majapahit at the peak of the golden era and expanding their territory to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philipines. It has a formidable navy and sea power. Srivijaya and Majapahit are only a few of glorious kingdom in Indonesia. They have strong and powerful leadership. Because of the strong leadership, they can achieve the golden era of their kingdom. I want my student to learn from Indonesia history before the Dutch colonialism. We have so many kings which are the example of a role model from Indonesia. Hopefully, when I ask the inspiring leader, my student can up to these kings and never forget rich and diverse Indonesian history.

In an effort to force my student to read Indonesia history I ask them to prepare the oral presentation about famous kings from the kingdom they set by themselves. Instead of using the power point for the presentation I ask them to build three-dimensional props to explain the genealogy of king that will represent a province.


Padjadjaran Kingdom from West Java

Padjadjaran Kingdom from West Java

Majapahit Kingdom, King Hayam Wuruk

Majapahit Kingdom, King Hayam Wuruk



Banten Sultanate

Banten Sultanate

Makassar Sultanate

Makassar Sultanate, South Sulawesi

Udayana Kingdom

Udayana Kingdom, Bali

The result is amazing. Firstly students demonstrate their creativity in the 2D and 3D props and the shapes are so varied. Secondly, they learn about the family tree of the king they select. They also need to provide the argument of the characteristic of their king in term of leadership character the king posses. I can distinguish students who work on this task only to past the assignment and the one with the passion. And I’m sure most of my student do it with enthusiasm.

Lesson learned from this assignment for my student are:

1. Teamwork; as always before you can be a good leader you need to be a good follower

2. Learn from the history; many kings especially from the prehistoric era they don’t have facility or technology like the present but they can make it, they even concur the world.

3. Creativity; I fully realize that every student has their own learning style. Some are auditory, some are visual, some are psycomotorik; they don’t like to read or listening but they enjoy making something. Well, I hope this assignment can facilitate at least the psychomotorik type since most of the course’s activities are in class.

City Branding Part 1

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The city around the world is competing to make the most allure branding. Even famous city like Paris and New York have to promote their branding intensively because of the competitiveness in the tourism sector. Some scholar related the influence of branding, promotion with the significant number of tourist arrival. Many municipalities in Indonesia also try to promote their city by making the appealing branding such as Enjoy Jakarta, Jogja Istimewa, Beautiful Malang, Malang: The Heart of East Java, Majestic Banyuwangi, Sparkling Surabaya, Shining Batu, etc.

In 2015 Indonesia Ministry of National Development make a call for paper. The title of the call for paper is Bappenas International Conference on Best Development and Practices. There are five themes for this competition: Food Security, Energy Security, Maritime, Industry, and Tourism. The themes were related with Nawacita. Nawacita are nine top priorities agenda from Joko Widodo and Yusuf Kalla.  I had chosen the tourism theme for my article. My paper entitles “Best Practices Local Branding Kota Wisata Batu Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Perekonomian Kota Batu”. After submitting my article, a few months later the committee send me an email saying that my paper got selected for the oral presentation. From around 200 papers for this theme, they only selected the top five. I was so happy. In short story, I win the competition for tourism. This is the decree from the judge.

SK-Dewan Juri_Konferensi Bappenas-page-001

I always like something related to tourism for the obvious reason because I love traveling. Since then I began to explore the theme of tourism especially local branding. Me and my friend Ratnaningsih Damayanti and Irma Fitriana Ulfah from Governmental Science Department Faculty of Social and Political Science University of Brawijaya, we had conducted some research about the local branding. In 2016 our research entitles “City Branding Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur”. The research conducted in 3 regencies Banyuwangi, Surabaya and Batu municipality. In 2017 We continue our research to “Analisis Perumusan City Branding Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur” the research still conducted in East Java Province but to other regencies which are Malang City, Malang Municipality and Tulungagung Municipality

Furthermore, from areas we had analyzed, we found there are four models in formulating the city branding:

  1. City branding formulated from the bottom; that is to say, public involvement, in this case, is high. The public who has the main role in city branding formulation. The sense of belonging for this type of formulation also high, but the weakness in this type the local government does not immediately respond to make it a policy. The city with this type of branding formulation is Surabaya municipality
  2. City branding formulated from the top; in other words, the local government has the initiative to make the branding, usually the use a professional consultant to prepare it. The good things about this type are local government funded the research and after the select the most prominent branding they usually enacted it immediately. But usually, it takes a long time to internalize in public, in some cases public a bit resistant to the branding because it doesn’t reflect the nor the city. The city with this kind of city branding are: Malang regency, Malang Municipality, Tulungagung regency, Batu regency, Banyuwangi regency
  3. The third model is a combination between the bottom and up. This is a bit unpopular because it can cover the weaknesses of the two models. In this formulation, at the first stage, they use the professional consultant to make some branding alternative, they also open the competition for the public if the public has some good ideas about the branding. In the end, the government makes a public vote for the branding. We found one region for this type it’s Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The special things about Yogyakarta are they also involved many stakeholders like artist and tourism actor like the representative of hotels, restaurant, etc.
  4. The last model is formulated by the central government. As we know Indonesia tourism branding is Wonderful Indonesia. The branding initiated by The Ministry of Tourism. There is some local branding integrated with wonderful Indonesia. The one got selected with the branding will be promoted as the top tourism destination in Indonesia. And will be promoted in the ministry official website and the advertisement around the world. To be part of the central government branding the local government can propose it to the Ministry of tourism or the Ministry of Tourism can offer some local government to join but they will have to use the branding made by the central government. The city apply this model is Medan municipality

wonderful indonesiabranding

souce: Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia

This formulation for local branding process models will continue to develop along with the rapid growth in branding and tourism sector. And we will continue our work in local branding.

Category: Articles

My Google Scholar

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I just open my google scholar and found out a few articles I had written in the previous years.


That is the link for my google scholar hope you can find it useful.

I wish in the next few years the number of articles will be increased.


Category: Articles

Leadership Project from My Undergraduate Students

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I was started teaching leadership courses since 2012. Leadership is one of my favorite courses, not because of the context but because I can explore a lot of teaching methods in this class. Leadership project is the final assignment for this course. In my opinion, leadership is not a hard skill, but it’s a soft skill who can be trained. We need to be a good follower before we become a leader. That’s why in this course unlike other courses that I taught that emphasize analytical skill in this course I wanted student aware with their potential as a leader. The objective of this course is students can realize the leadership potential in themselves, students can build sensitivity towards social conditions else students can lead their groups to create a social project start from planning, execution, documentation to evaluating. They will meet some difficulties in the project, but problem-solving is part of the objective. There are some issues I have addresses for the student which:

  1. Aging
  2. Animals
  3. Anti-Bullying
  4. Civic Engagement
  5. Cultural Diversity
  6. Disability awareness/support
  7. Education
  8. Environment
  9. Health
  10. Poverty
  11. Public safety: natural disaster, war, terrorism
  12. School improvement

The steps for the project are:

  1. Make a group contain 4-5 persons (or I can decide for the students because student tends to choose the member from their own group).
  2. Select the issues I have provided
  3. The selected issue will be presented in week 7, 1 issue can be selected for 2 groups. So, it will not be concentrated on certain issues.
  4. Select the object/places to conduct the social project
  5. Select the level of service your group will conduct. There are three levels:
    1. Direct service: you can make a face to face project, such as giving food to elderly/the poor one, shower animal in the zoo, preserve endangered culture etc
    2. Indirect service: in this level of service you don’t have to meet/engage with the object you can make some fundraising, collecting clothes, sponsor some food, donate some trees or plant some trees
    3. Advocacy: you can make a poster to gain public awareness, make some advertisement in social media to campaign some issue, make a letter for president or legislative, or you can make a video for some awareness campaign.
    4. Every group can choose 1 level of service or they can choose to use more than one level of service
    5. Discuss in your group and make some plan to solve the problem you will be promoted
    6. In the process, you need to document every step of this project
    7. At the end edit a short video with the duration of 5-10 minutes
    8. Uploaded your video in YouTube
    9. Deliver the link of your YouTube
    10. We will watch the video at the final week and have some response from YouTube audience and from your classmate
    11. Make a short report that describes the background of your project, place, duration of the project, the level of service, the process of the project, and the task division for every member of the group; who does what

Why do I ask my students to upload their videos on the YouTube because students tend to be more serious when their work will be published on social media? Another reason is to see how their leadership project can inspire others. According to Maxwell, a leader is influence and leadership is a way of influencing others. In 2012 up to 2017, I asked a student to upload video by their own, but in 2018 I asked one of the students to make one channel, so all the videos will be collected in one YouTube channel. Proudly present the link for the YouTube channel for the leadership in 2018.

For videos before 2018, you can be searched by typing the leadership project of the government science University of Brawijaya.

The following is my favorite leadership project video of all time [youtube][/youtube]